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Proven Guide to Support Children With Color Vision Deficiency

The GUIDE is for parents who want to get the best start in life for their child without spending hours and days searching about color blindness on the internet or getting random advice on social networks that might not work for their child.

Welcome To

The Colorblind Guide

I want to congratulate you on starting this “Complete Guide for Parents/Children”.


You made a really smart decision!

You have proved that you are an action-taker who cares about your child’s well-being and are ready to improve your child’s life!

parents guide for colorblind children

Proven Guide For Parents To Make Sure Your Child Is Happy And Confident

As a parent, maybe you don't know much about color vision deficiency (color blindness), or what to do next, just know that you are on the same path as many other parents, and in fact, it's not your fault! 

This GUIDE combines everything you should know about this condition and the first steps you should take as a parent to better the quality of your child’s life.


It will help your child handle any color-related school activities & homework with ease... and many other color-related daily tasks in a very short time!

  • Do & Don'ts For Parents

  • Explain Color Blindness Correctly - Presenting It In A 'Good Light' To Your Child

  • Watch Videos That Are Designed To Make You A PRO On This Topic


This guide will help you to save so much of your time and headaches by having all the important information in one place. It will also prevent you from getting unprofessional, unqualified advice from people you don't know on the internet. This guide is our proven-to-work system that we created with experts in the color vision field. 


Research shows color vision deficiency can have a significant impact on a child's life:

According to the research, 4 out of 10 colorblind students try to avoid schoolwork and activities involving colors, and nearly half are less interested in painting, drawing, nature walks and field trips to art museums.


Surveys showed more than 1 in 3 colorblind people said teachers got frustrated with them when they couldn’t understand schoolwork involving color.


1 in 4 were teased by classmates or teachers due to being colorblind. Around the world, teachers and educators are unaware and uneducated about color blindness. 


Young students are expected to learn colors from the age of 4, and those who do not master this skill may be mistakenly diagnosed with learning disabilities or simply labeled as "inattentive" or "lazy" children.

(And How Can You Use It To Support Your Child!?!)

teachers guide for colorblind students

This course is broken down into 3 sections

  •  Section 1  for Parents

  •  Section 2  for Children

  •  Section 3  Share with Your Child's Teachers

Section #1:


colorblind students

You Can Find Everything You Need To Know As A Parent In This Section

  • 3 Videos on How to Present Color Blindness in a Good Light to Your Child, Including my story

  • 30 Most Common Questions & Answers For Parents

  • See From The Eyes Of A Colorblind Person (Colorblind Simulator)

  • How To Set Colorblind-Friendly Filters On Any Device

  • Useful Applications For Colorblind People With Video Tutorials

  • 25 Action Steps You Can Take As A Parent​

  • 6 Informative Videos Related to Color Blindness

  • Color Blindness - Sport, Bedroom Design, and Events

Section #2:


colorblind children

In This Section, We Teach Basics About 'Colors' To Your Child

  • 3 Video Animations To Help Your Child Memorize Colors For Daily Use

  • 3 Video Animations About Primary & Secondary Colors

  • Game Training: Learn What Colors Your Child Struggles With

  • 1 Musical Animation Designed To Help Your Child With Drawing

FREE Bonuses!

To make sure you get the best out of this package, we will give you all these amazing bonuses today!

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We Will Explain Color Blindness To Your Child!

It's not an easy thing to explain color blindness to a child, right?

We Created An Exciting Animation That Will Do It For You!


In the animation, we present color blindness as a unique vision that some people have. It is the best way to present color blindness in a good light.


This video is designed to make sure your child doesn't feel embarrassed about his/her condition but feels happy and confident again. Isn't it what you want?



Get Your Access to 20 Must-Watch Videos About CVD

Our goal is to make sure you, as a parent, help your child to overcome color blindness once & forever. For this purpose, you will get your hands on a collection of the 20 must-watch videos related to color blindness:



Should You Buy Expensive Colorblind Glasses For Your Child? 

Many of us saw emotional videos of colorblind glasses where a person starts to tear up after seeing the colors.  There are a lot of different opinions on the internet about colorblind glasses. Some people believe they work since they had a positive experience, while others have a completely opposite story to tell. In This Guide, You Will Find The Answer!

This Complete Guide Is The Only Long-Term Solution Giving Your Child The Best Start In Life!

The Complete Guide is the result of four years of research and communication with hundreds of parents.



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