Tips For Living With Color Blindness
You might think that living with color blindness is not much of a problem. It became part of your life. But let’s admit, all of us...
My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Because I'm Colorblind (Anonymous)
Today I understand how much color blindness has affected my life, and now it also hurts my feelings. This story can happen to you, my...
Choosing Clothes For Colorblind People
Just because you are colorblind doesn’t mean you should always stick to all-black fashion or use it as an excuse to be a bad dresser. WHY...
10 Mind Blowing Facts About Color Blindness You Don't Know
FACT 1: MOST OF THE COLORBLIND PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THEY ARE COLORBLIND! We get many stories from people that they were always confused...
How Colorblind People See The World - See From The Eyes Of A Colorblind
If your first thought about colorblind people was “Do they see the world in black & white?”, then this blog is for you! Colorblind people...
Are Dogs Colorblind?
Many dog owners wonder about dog color vision, and there was an old fallacy that dogs were colorblind. In film and television, whenever...
What Do I Do If My Child Is Colorblind?
Sylvia: My 5-year-old is colorblind. He really only sees blue and yellow clearly. I was heartbroken this weekend when we got the official...
Daniel Arsham - World's Most Famous Colorblind Artist
Daniel Arsham Became One of Today’s Most Important Artists by Showing Our Destroyed Future. Arsham’s multidisciplinary art combines art,...
Life of one Color Blind man
I'm going along in my day; I usually don't think about my color deficiency. However, it is a problem very frequently. I don't realize...
All Humans are Colorblind compared to Butterflies🦋 . The rods and cones in our eyes contain Photopigment molecules that change their...
Is It Possible To Have Normal Color Vision And Then Become Colorblind?
Have you ever wondered if a person with normal color vision can become color vision deficient? Can it happen to anyone? FIRST, LET’S...
Impact Of Color Blindness On Quality Of Life
Who would imagine that something as simple as color plays a big part in our everyday functioning, starting from early childhood: from the...