Many parents who have a colorblind child usually don't have much knowledge about color blindness. Once they get the news, the first thing they do is, spend a few hours on the internet trying to find more information, but in the case of color deficiency, it can be a very frustrating and confusing process.
The reason that most parents don't know much about color blindness is that nobody educates us on this subject - neither at school nor at work. But those of us who know someone with color deficiency among friends, relatives, or family, usually have some basic information.
In this article, we will answer the most common questions that we often get from parents to provide you with valid answers. You will learn why your child is colorblind and the latest solutions to help you in this situation.
Parents' Most Common Questions Related to Colorblind Children
Most of the parents with a colorblind child were suspected of their child's condition. Choosing the wrong color for painting, or guessing colors wrong are some of the common symptoms of color blindness. But there are still a few important questions that should be addressed well to make sure they will give their child the best start in life.
What is Color Blindness?
Color blindness or more accurately, color vision deficiency, is an inability to see the difference between certain colors. Color blindness is very common; 1 in 12 males and 1 in 200 females are colorblind. It affects 8% of the male population, 13 million in the US, 30 million in Europe, and 350 million colorblind people worldwide.
We commonly use the term "colorblind" for this condition, but in reality, most colorblind people can see many colors but not as broad as others. It is extremely rare to see in black and white.
We have different types of color blindness. The most common type is red-green color blindness which the person may not be able to distinguish between different shades of red and green (Protanopia, Protanomaly, Deuteranopia, Deuteranomaly).
People with both red and green deficiencies live in a world of murky greens where blues and yellows stand out.
Browns, oranges, shades of red, and green are easily confused.
Both types will confuse some blues with some purples and both types will struggle to identify pale shades of most colors.
What Causes Color Blindness?
Color blindness is typically caused by genetic mutations, meaning they're passed down from parents. Color blindness occurs when there are genetic deficiencies with one or more of the three cones.
For example, If just one of the pigments (red cones, or green cones) is missing in the retina, or two pigments are so close to each other, the person will have trouble seeing certain colors, resulting in different types of color blindness.
How Do I Understand How My Son Sees The World?
There are colorblind simulator applications and websites that you can use to understand how your child sees the world.
Pay attention to the colors that your child constantly mistakes or asks about often, over time you will learn more about his vision.
If you want to learn more about how people with different types of color blindness see the colors click on this article.
How Do I Explain Color Blindness to My Child?
It is hard to explain something that you can not see or fully understand. COLORWILL company created a guide for parents/children that gives you clear step-by-step guidance and advice on how to explain color blindness to your child, as well as, how to help them learn more about colors and help you understand how your child sees the world.
A step-by-step online training will provide you with all the latest information on this subject with real-life training that you can start implementing immediately to improve your child's life. Join this online training to help your child on a daily basis at home or school. To learn more about this step-by-step guide Click Here.
Did you know that many children feel embarrassed about not being able to choose an appropriate crayon, the color of paint or to accurately describe things around them? Always try to maintain a sense of humor with your child about their condition and help them overcome any feelings of embarrassment. Be the supporter that they can rely on.
Is There Any Cure for Colorblindness?
There are no preventative treatments as it's a genetic condition. However, for the past few years colored filters, spectacles, and contact lenses have been introduced to help alter someone's color perception.
Do Colorblind Glasses Work? There are a lot of articles on the internet, some do believe that the glasses work while others have the opposite opinion. If you ask "Can These Glasses Fix Color Blindness?" The answer is NO. But in some cases, it can help a colorblind person to distinguish between some colors like purple and blue, or brown and green color.
Colorblind Students
In childhood, challenges for children with color vision deficiency begin from an early age. Color is a form of communication that plays one of the major roles in memory training and information recognition in educational systems-kindergartens and schools.
Young students are expected to learn colors from the age of 4, and those who do not master this skill may be mistakenly diagnosed with learning disabilities or simply labeled as "inattentive" or "lazy" children.
Being able to see, name, and use colors correctly is a requirement for many school activities, homework, and examinations; it can make children fall behind on subjects, as well as affect their social communication skills.
Why Should Teachers Get Involved?
Colorblind students may fall behind in subjects where colors are a necessary part of learning, and recent research studies have shown that ‘color blindness’ has a deep effect on a child's psychology, if not treated well. It affects a child's confidence and self-esteem, and the thought of ‘being different” can lead to a child’s behavioral issues like the feeling of embarrassment and social withdrawal.
You can share this article (Color Blindness Fact Sheet For Teachers/Schools) with your child's teacher to adapt to the classroom environment for colorblind students.
If you live in America you can use the 504 Plan for Colorblind Students.
Teachers need to be aware of students' condition in order to provide a suitable classroom environment and to make sure a child gets all the necessary materials in the correct color formula (appropriate whiteboard markers, color label stickers, color-free homework assignments/exams, etc). Unfortunately, the majority of teachers around the world are not aware of what "colorblindness" is, or they simply do not know what to do about it.
Over time colorblind children can develop coping strategies to compensate for their vision deficiency, so unless teachers are there to accommodate their needs, the life of colorblind students can be unnecessarily difficult and confusing.
Useful Helpers for Colorblind Children
It's very difficult to find products to help colorblind people to use colors correctly. Color-name stickers are one of the most useful products that I found could have a big impact on a colorblind child's life.
Labeling colors is one of the most common strategies that can help colorblind people at school or work. It can help them never miss important information and fully understand the subject. For example, teachers can use labels for charts and graphs or use colored name stickers on colored pencils/markers for drawing. Purchase here
BOOKS for Colorblind Children
There are several books about color blindness for kids available.
"PLAY WITH COLORS": Best Story for Colorblind Children. The story presents color blindness in a GOOD LIGHT. Click here
Erik the Red Sees Green: A Story About Color Blindness by Julie Anderson and David Lopez | Sep 1, 2013
All About Color Blindness: A Guide to Color Vision Deficiency for Kids (and Grown-ups too) Kindle Edition | by Karen Rae Levine
Seeing Color: It's My Rainbow, Too Paperback |September 15, 2003 by Arlene Evans
According to the research, 4 out of 10 colorblind students try to avoid schoolwork and activities involving colors, and nearly half are less interested in painting, drawing, nature walks, and field trips to art museums.
Surveys showed more than 1 in 3 colorblind people said teachers got frustrated with them when they couldn’t understand schoolwork involving color.
We live in the information age, by a simple search on Google you can find thousands of results about color blindness. In social networks, people share their experiences and can answer your questions by giving you some tips and advice.
But the real problem is, that a lot of the information on this topic is coming from outdated sources, or people's experiences, which may not work for your child or be even harmful.
Proven Guide For Parents To Make Sure Your Child Is Happy And Confident
This FREE GUIDE is for parents who want to get the best start in life for their child without spending hours and days searching about color blindness on the internet or getting random advice on social networks that might not work for their child.
3 Videos on How to Present Color Blindness in a Good Light to Your Child, Including my story
6 Video Animations To Help Your Child Memorize Colors For Daily Use
30 Most Common Questions & Answers For Parents
Game Training: Learn What Colors Your Child Struggles With
How To Set Colorblind-Friendly Filters On Any Device
1 Musical Animation Designed To Help Your Child With Drawing
Animation, Explain Color Blindness to Children!
Children's Book "Play With Colors"
Access To 20 Must-watch Video Collection
A Bonus Bundle About Colorblind Glasses: Should You Buy Expensive Colorblind Glasses For Your Child? Is It Worth The Investment?
1 Video & Downloadable File Including Colors Of Things In 10 Color Categories. Your Child Will Easily Learn The Colors Of More Than 100 Things, Including Animals, Flowers, And Fruits.
Full Guideline For Your Child's Teachers Or School
Learn more Click HERE