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504 Plan for Colorblind Students

In this article, you can learn how to get a 504 plan for students with color vision deficiency (color blindness).

Did you know that there will be at least one colorblind child in every classroom?

Most teachers have never had any training in color blindness, and some of them even don't know what is color deficiency. Colorblind People Population!

Most parents of colorblind children don’t know that they have a colorblind child and in most cases, the child won’t realize it either. If your child gets a positive diagnosis on the colorblind test, it can come as a shock to everyone.

Children normally won’t understand that something like not seeing colors can be a problem, so as a parent it’s your job to support your child and present color blindness in a good light. You can share with your child how he is different from others and that it’s a good thing; he has a unique vision.

Many recent research studies have shown that ‘color blindness’ has a deep effect on a child's psychology, if not treated well. It affects a child's confidence, self-esteem and the thought of ‘being different” can lead to a child’s behavioral issues like the feeling of embarrassment and social withdrawal.


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Often parents mistakenly think that if their child finds out he is colorblind, he will be very upset about the news or might not take it well. Any child counselor can tell you that it’s all about ‘sharing” the news. It’s how you say it or present it to your kid.

A child with color blindness may be considered to have a special educational need, which means they need additional support and resources from their school, and the 504 plan will provide it for them.

504 plan for colorblind students


A 504 plan would set the guidelines for teachers to know how to help the students with different needs. There are so many parents that got their children in the 504 plan and they are very happy with the results. Colorblind students can use the 504 plan too.


The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment. 1


No, the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not specifically list color blindness as a disability.

Color blindness is not a disability in the term that a colorblind person is still able to do almost everything normal people able to do.


This term is not defined in the Act or the regulations and is left to each agency to define. The Americans with Disabilities Act does suggest that the term "substantially limits" should be interpreted to mean that the student is "unable to perform a major life activity that the average student of approximately the same age can perform, or that the student is significantly restricted as to the condition, manner or duration under which a particular major life activity is performed as compared to the average student of approximately the same age."

Each student's needs are determined individually. Appropriate accommodations should be determined based on the nature of the disabling condition and what the student needs in order to have an equal opportunity to compete when compared to a student without disabilities. The goal is to provide students the knowledge and compensating skills they will need to be able to function in life after graduation. 2

504 plan for colorblind students in school

There are so many parents with a colorblind child that got the 504 plan for their child, so most probably you can get it too.

color name sticker for colorblind people - labeling colors


1. Provide documents

You need to have a medical diagnosis result by the eye doctor.

Make an appointment to see an optician and obtain a formal diagnosis. Most opticians will provide a free eye test for children and children should have regular eye tests anyway, but make sure you ask specifically for color blindness to be tested.

colorblind children

2. Talk with the school’s 504 coordinator

Every public school district must have a staff member who coordinates the 504 plan. Ask for a meeting with any of the counselors the school might have as well.

The 504 meeting must include at least two people who can:

  • Talk about your child’s abilities and skills. (For example, your child’s teacher or guidance counselor may attend.)

  • Interpret reports or evaluations. (For example, the school social worker or nurse may attend.)

  • Share information about the accommodations that may meet your child’s needs. (For example, the 504 Coordinator)

If you would like interpretation services at the 504 meeting, please inform your school's 504 Coordinator.

gift for colorblind people

3. Write a formal request for a 504 plan

You’ll need to make a formal written request for a 504 plan. In your request, be specific about why you’re asking for the plan. For example, you might say: “I would like a 504 plan for my child who is colorblind, and needs frequent breaks throughout the day to be able to learn like his peers.”

Explain that your child doesn’t need specialized instruction (that would be special education), but needs certain accommodations to access instruction.

Schools can offer black-and-white tests and help teachers know that your child may not be able to do assignments that involve color matching or art to their specifications. Came in handy with chemistry and biology too- mix the wrong colored chemicals and you could have a big problem.

The 504 team will review the information that comes from different sources, such as your child’s tests, observations, work samples, report cards, and medical records. This will help the Team understand your child’s abilities, achievements, behaviors, and health needs. Parents and school staff may bring any information they believe best describes the child’s abilities and needs.

4. Follow up on your request

Some schools might ask you to wait until 2nd grade when it would become more of an issue on tests. You need to follow up and talk with teachers, communication is key. You need to always talk to the teachers at the beginning of the year, and usually have to remind them now and then when an assignment comes up that he cannot do.

5. Go through the 504 plan evaluation process.

The school will review your child’s schoolwork, medical records, and other documents. The school will also want to talk with and observe your child, as well as interview you, your child’s teacher, and other school staff.

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Are there currently any treatments for color blindness?

There are no preventative treatments as it's genetic. However colored filters, spectacles, and contact lenses have been introduced that can alter someone's color perception. They might allow the wearer to see a few more colors or colors nearer to how a person with normal color vision would see them, but it doesn't solve the issue. Color blindness affects so many aspects of our lives. You can learn some tips & tricks at this online training course designed for colorblind people.


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